Are you looking to start 2016 off feeling your best, performing better at the office, and improving your family life? If so, take a vacation. No seriously. The holiday season can be a festive time, but it can also be a stressful one as well. Think of all the things you have to do this time of year. You have to worry about finding gifts in overcrowded malls and stores, deal with inclement weather if you live in areas prone to that, deal with daily stressors at work and at home, and interact with your extended family.
Over the course of the six week season, it makes sense that you might leave it a little more stressed than you were when you entered it. Plus, we can’t rule out other facets of health either. During the holiday season, many of us will throw caution to the wind when it comes to food and drink in the name of merriment. By the time January 1st hits, you might find that your clothing quite doesn’t fit as well as it did over the summer.
Taking a vacation now can help you offset some of the negative aspects of the holiday season and allow you to start the New Year off right. Need some more motivation? Here are several reasons why you should take a vacation as soon as possible:
You May Lose Them at the End of the Year
Are you the type who likes to save their days until the end of the year. More companies are adopting a “use them or lose them” policy. Therefore, it might be a risk to save your vacation days until later in the year. A new project could come up or there may be a round of layoffs that eliminates your ability to take off.
You’ll Be More Productive at Work
Taking a week off from work may seem like the opposite of being productive, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. According to a survey conducted by Expedia in 2012, 34% of professionals came back from the holidays feeling refreshed and more able to work. Think about it. If you’re relaxed and rested, wouldn’t you able to work more efficiently?

You Will Live Longer
Studies have indicated that people who vacation more live on average 20% more than those who are chained to their desks. Let’s say you spend a week in one of the many great Isle of Palms vacation rentals in South Carolina. Wouldn’t you want to live longer just so you could come back? In all seriousness, vacationing improves stress levels and reduces inflammation, which is responsible for a host of different chronic conditions.
You Will Have a Memory You and Your Family Can Enjoy
If your household is like most households in America, you probably spend too little time together and that time is spent looking down at your mobile devices. Vacations allow families to reconnect and provide a memory that they can enjoy for the rest of their lives. If you want to make an investment in improving your family life, a vacation may provide to pay excellent dividends.